Tender Touch Dentistry specializes in beautifying smiles, maintaining your dental health, and helping you improve your appearance. Our experienced and friendly staff takes great pride in keeping your smile beautiful. Our promise to you is that the fillings, crowns, and bridges we create will look as good as or better than the teeth nature gave you. And to make sure we keep that promise, the products we recommend and use are the highest quality and incredibly durable. You can trust your smile with us. We accept GA Medicaid, Wellcare, Amerigroup, Peachstate, Peachcare, and most commercial insurances. Our office starts seeing patients as young as 12mnths, up to no age limit. So call us today and schedule an appointment for the whole family! *DUE TO COVID-19 WE ARE SEEING LIMITED PATIENTS A DAY. |
Calhoun, GA 30701
Phone (706) 625-8151 Fax (706) 625-8270