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We are so pleased you have chosen us to assist you with your dental needs.  Dr. Donald F. Schwab established our office in 1954 and we have faithfully been caring for our patients ever since.  Our office offiers complete dental care for families and people of all ages.  We will do our absolute best to make sure your needs are met and for those procedures beyond our expertise, referral arrangements to an appropriate specialist will be made.

Our Staff...

Our entire staff wants your experience here to be as enjoyable and beneficial as possible. Our doctors and hygienists primary concern is your comfort and condition of not only your teeth, but your entire mouth.  They want to help you succeed in developing a beautiful, healthy smile.  Our front desk personel will gladly help you arrange your appointmens to best fit both your schedule and ours. They are as follows:

    • Dr. Ann E. Schwab Davis, DDS PC
    • Dr. Donald F. Schwab, DDS
  • Janet Garlick, RDH                                    * Molly Schwab- Scheduling Coordinator
  • Peggy Hart, RDH                                       * Toni Marimon- Financial Coordinator
  • Kathy Hildebrand, RDH                            * Rachel Davis- Computer Coordinator
  • Shevonne Tucker, RDH 
  • * = Front Desk Personel
  • RDH = Registered Dental Hygienist


Participating Insurance Companies...

We know there are many different insurance companies and plans out there. While we do not participate in all of them, we will still accept your insurance plan, however any balance remaining that is not covered by your carrier you will be responsible for. Here is a list of the insurance companies we are a participating provider with:

  • Cigna PPO
  • Delta Tricare
  • Group Health, Inc. Preferred (we apologize, but we are no longer accepting new patients with this coverage)
  • Group Health, Inc. Preferred Plus
  • Guardian Preferred
  • Independent Health
  • North American Preferred
  • NYS Medicaid



We encourage our patients to be well informed concerning their treatment and financial arrangements. Please feel free to explore the dental education link of our site regarding the specific dental needs we treat in our office, as well as those procedures in which patients are referred to a specialist. If there are any questions, please feel free to call us at (716) 741- 2835! Keep smiling!